Monday, August 2, 2010

By Timber Hitch, on Being Lucky

I am a lucky.
  • I have a home.
  • I am about to have a mommy who loves me more than any other horse. And I also have mommy's friends who love on me too.
  • I get unlimited access to grass in a ginormous field.
  • I have multiple geldings who adore me and are at my disposal.
  • I can boss around other horses.
  • I am a mare so I am entitled to be bitchy on occasion and it is tolerated.
  • Mommy is patient enough to put up with my crap.
  • I no longer race for a living but I can live for racing if I choose.
  • The only baby in sight was foaled by another mare.
  • I do work on occasion, but it is preceded by a nice grooming and followed by a cool bath.
  • I live, I breathe, I eat, I run. I am a HORSE!


  1. Dear Mel,

    I think that is the cutest and heartfelt poem I have ever certainly know how to take the words right out of the horses mouth!


    Miss Jean

  2. Thanks, I decided to take over the blog. Mommy wasn't writing what I wanted her to write. Look for more posts from me in the future. ;-)
