Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Year, New Focus

Amber and I are both doing well. My dear red horse injured herself trying to reestablish the herd hierarchy so we've been doing minimal training up until about two weeks ago. Tomorrow we're doing our first lesson with Jean in about a month and a half.

As the old year fades into history and the new year begins, we are always reminded to look ahead and determine what our resolutions will be. I hate establishing resolutions because I feel like they create a tenuous balance between self improvement and self beratement when (not "if") they are broken. I'd rather create goals for myself so I have something to work towards and I can mark goalposts along the way.

Looking forward into this year, my main goal for Amber and I is to build a strong relationship. I don't know the step by step process in detail of how this will be accomplished but it will involve a larger commitment to working on the ground and in the round pen. I really enjoy riding, but I think that progress will follow the relationship so that will be our highest priority this year.

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